Monday, March 17, 2014



Crazy Egg Review: Is Your Website Hot Enough?

Posted: 17 Mar 2014 06:00 AM PDT

So, you have a website. Probably you are selling something or you want to collect people's email addresses and it works. Or does it? As a marketer, are you satisfied with your current conversions? As a designer, do you feel like you made the right decision when you placed the search bar on the sidebar? But there is one tool that we at is crazy about- Crazy Egg. Don’t search high and low about the Crazy Egg review when you can have that here!

There are many tracking tools out there that you can use to determine if your design works as intended. There are eye and mouse tracking tools out there, but they are expensive. Although admittedly, they work. Another thing that works just as well as these is click tracking with heatmap. Different processes, same results.

What is Crazy Egg?

crazy egg

Crazy Egg is a tool that allows web designers, web developers, and marketers to know where users click on web pages. Crazy Egg boasts that with their tool, you can collect 88% more data than eye tracking tools currently in the market. And rightly so, they have big names under their sleeves- brands like Etsy, Monster, Yahoo!, eBay, Dell, Skype, and even Intel.
The main idea is to help analyze the users' engagement with respect to the entirety of the page, along with their interaction with individual elements. With the data generated from Crazy Egg, anyone can boost their website's conversion rate.

Here are the four main features of Crazy Egg:


A heatmap is a graphical representation of where people click on the website. It shows the amount of people clicking on an element, or the lack thereof. By knowing where people click, interested individuals can leverage this knowledge to design a more efficient webpage to increase conversion rates.


The data shown on this review is only based on 1000 visitors.


It's fun to learn that more people prefer to click page 2 instead of clicking on next!


Crazy Egg's scroll map lets you know which part of your page is interesting for your readers. This feature works best for long pages with lots of elements as it shows how far down the page people will scroll before leaving. Armed with this knowledge, you can reposition important elements to sections where visitors stay the longest.

This screenshot of the scroll map shows that the positioning of our advertisements are perfect!


As expected, only few people scroll down to the bottom of our website. This is the reason why we do not place important elements this far down.


The overlay shows how many clicks the elements on your page has received. While the heatmap shows the total number of clicks on any area (even on whitespace), the overlay shows the number of clicks for elements in a conclusive way.

The beautiful thing about the overlay feature is that you can determine the who, what, and where of each click. I'm absolutely floored when I discovered this! If your goal is to increase the number of clicks on a certain element, you can use both the heatmap and overlay to determine which positioning works best.


Confetti is my favorite of the bunch. It shows not only where users click on a page, but it shows what website and country they come from as well as what search term they used to arrive on the page, and many more.


Another screenshot reveals that more users tend to click more on the pagination instead of the next button.This connects with the heatmap above.

What are Crazy Egg's practical uses?

It can help you make more money.

Seriously. By knowing where to place your advertisements or your call-to-action elements, you can easily capture the attention of your audience. But, not until you leverage the data you get from Crazy Egg and redesign your website accordingly.

Many successful Internet marketers like Derek Halpern of Social Triggers swear to it that there is money on email lists. How can you build a good list? I won't go into the great details but, basically, it involves the following:

  1. Offer – what will they get when they sign up? Is is an ebook, a special discount to your product, or an email course?
  2. Traffic – obviously!

Positioning is important. You need to place your sign-up form where people will notice it, and you'll learn exactly where by using Crazy Egg.

It can help you design better websites.

People have their own browsing habits; however, these do not differ from one another that much. By knowing what works on similarly structured websites, you can easily craft the perfect website for your clients.
By knowing your visitors' habits, you can also answer several questions like:

  • Are the images or links on your sidebar being noticed?
  • Are people clicking on elements that are not linked to anything?
  • Is the color of your buttons convincing enough for people to think that they can be pressed?

Final Words

I've used Google Analytics for several years now and always find it to be extremely useful. But GA's In-Page Analytics can be frustrating to use. In-Page analytics is the closest thing Google Analytics has for heatmap tracking- and it's quite useful too, albeit frustrating.

This is where Crazy Egg comes in. I've tested a couple of other heatmap tracking tools and none of them has come near to what Crazy Egg has to offer. Ditch the eye tracking tools, and even In-Page analytics, and pick up Crazy Egg if you want to increase your website's conversion rate.

I highly recommend Crazy Egg. It's very easy to use and fairly priced. It gives you what you want. No fluff!

Exclusive: Crazy Egg 90-day Trial

Because of my good experience with Crazy Egg, I talked to them and asked if they can give our readers an extended trial period to experience their tool, more than the current 30-day trial they offer. You know, so that you can do more testing. And generously they agreed to a 90-day trial!

So, what are you waiting for? If you are a marketer, a UX designer, or anyone who's interested in increasing website conversions, this is the PERFECT chance for you to find out what you are doing wrong!

Check Your Website's Heatmap Now!

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