Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Quiz: What’s Your Web Designer/Developer Personality Type?

Posted: 21 May 2014 06:00 AM PDT

Web designers and developers, like most people, are unique in their different ways. Some designers exemplify this uniqueness in their designs, others, in their work habits. That's what makes them exciting people.

Although 1WD does not invite stereotyping, we thought of this fun little quiz to help you know what personality type you possess as workers of the Web. We hope that through this quiz, you will be able to understand your work and design habits to become a better person, if not, a better designer.


Now, there are seven personalities where you could possibly fit in. Each of these personalities are unique in their own right. Each, of course, are not perfect and could possibly fall into pitfalls, nevertheless, each has its own strengths. Understanding where you fit in will help you in assessing yourself and hopefully, patch up those weaknesses and fortify those strengths.


Here's the quiz:


Are you the Assembly Man, who is intelligent and resourceful? Or are you the Battle-worn Warrior, who endured the tests of time and became the veteran in this relatively young universe?

Maybe you are the Insatiable One, who just can't get enough? Or perhaps you are the Scholar? The one who wants to know everything and answer all questions?

Are you the Ninja whose speed is his main card? Or the PR Man, who deals with people easily? Or maybe the Spider, who wants to do everything?

Whoever you are, let this be known, you'll do great. These personality archetypes are just like horoscopes. They make you understand who you are. But if you stop and be content with just understanding, you'll never move forward. Be the designer/developer who understands his true nature, and wants to go beyond. Be the one who will to change the stereotypes and become a better person. For in the end, you won't be judged by how you were born, but with how you lived your life.

Did you find the quiz exciting? Do you agree with your results? What did you get?

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