With thousands of websites standing in line, it can be very difficult to attract the visitors to your website. Developers have to give lot of attention to make the website perfect from every angle.
Premium HTML templates allow you to make the website look attractive and perfect without doing much work. They are very easy to understand. They even provide help in creating exclusive and eye- catching websites easily.
Premium templates have always been easy to customize; they offer plenty of useful features. With these templates, you can create your very own website in few minutes.
All the websites created with these templates look great on tablets, laptops and smart phones.
- Fully responsive layouts that are based on HTML5 and CSS3
- Gives you a more effective website than the older versions of HTML
- Easily adjusted on every screen size to give the same look on all the screens
But with tons of premium templates available on the web, it can become hard to choose the one that fits the needs of your website properly. So to help you out, we are featuring 40 premium ones that will be very helpful for the web developers and designers.
- Built on content blocks
- Portfolio gallery
- Parallax effects
- Video backgrounds
- 100+ custom icons
- Fully responsive
- Retina-ready
- Amazing CSS3 effects
- Optimized code
- Singlepost and Singlework pages
- Google Map
- Grid system and responsive design
- Parallax slider
- Modernizr
- Responsive pricing tables
- Time line
- Parallax effect
- Unlimited portfolio works loading via AJAX
- FontAwesome icons
- Smooth scroll
- Vertical navigation
- One page and multi-page versions
- Twitter Bootstrap framework based
- Parallax scrolling effect
- Touch enabled sliders
- Flex slider
- Multiple slider style
- 960 Grid-based design
- Google Fonts integration
- CSS3 styling
- Twitter integration
- Multiple portfolio layouts
- Owl carousel
- Accordions
- Pricing tables
- Staff layout
- Fully responsive
- AJAX masonry portfolio
- Expanding projects area via AJAX
- Working contact form
- Retina-ready display
- Main landing page + 3D gallery
- 980 grid fluid layout
- Google Maps API integrated.
- HTML5 Geo-location
- Powerful CSS3 animations
- Responsive layout
- Modular main elements
- Features the iLightbox plugin
- 5 pre-made themes
- Highly customizable
- Backstretch background slideshows
- Parallax backgrounds
- FancyBox2 responsive lightbox
- Social feeds
- Pricing tables
- Unique layout and interesting effects
- Filterable portfolios and responsive Lightbox
- Google maps with custom marker
- 4 layouts
- 404 Page
- 100% responsive
- Unique navigation
- Mobile friendly
- Useful portfolio
- Full screen video
- Portfolio / Gallery with prettyPhoto
- Twitter Plug-in and Flicker plugin
- SEO-friendly
- Nivo slider
- Easy installation and usage
- Fullscreen slideshow
- Masonry Isotope gallery With Colorbox
- Based on HTML5 and CSS3
- Custom marker on styled map
- CSS3 animation
- Build on Bootstrap 3
- Fully responsive with Retina-ready display
- Video/Image splash section
- CSS3 on-scroll animation
- Parallax backgrounds
- 19 ready-to-use pages
- Smooth and impressive jQuery / CSS3 animation
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap
- Plenty of Blog, portfolio and gallery layouts
- Pre-loader
- 960 Grid system
- One page Filterable portfolio
- Clean, valid commented code
- Prices page
- Video support
- Dark and light version
- Flexible menu bar and content
- Multiple background gallery
- Grid gallery and portfolio
- Fully functional audio player
- 3 Unique layouts
- Based on HTML5 and CSS3
- Parallax headers
- Unique blog
- Ajax projects
- Fully responsive
- Video support
- HTML5 valid
- Custom sliders
- Ajax contact form
- Custom Flexslider plugin
- Unlimited color schemes
- Portfolio templates
- Social Media friendly
- 500+ Google Fonts usable
- 100% responsive
- Working contact form with validation
- In-built portfolio
- Flat and photo designs
- Retina ready display
- Amazing effects and animations
- Based on Bootstrap 3
- Font Awesome included
- Clean and optimized codes
- SASS & Compass version available
- 5 Color schemes
- Different portfolio layouts
- Working contact form
- PrettyPhoto support
- Full-screen Home page
- Ultra responsive
- 430+ retina ready icons included
- Well-formatted and commented
- Custom print CSS stylesheet
- Layered PSD files
- Fluid/Boxed versions
- Plenty of layouts to use with Blog
- Zoom effect integrated
- 4 Steps jQuery check-out
- Google Web Fonts-ready
- jQuery Powered
- Icomoon Icon fonts
- Minimal design
- Fullwidth contact Google Maps
- 3 Portfolio layouts
- SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
- 5 Pre-defined skins
- 10 handpicked fonts
- Ajax Contact form
- jQuery powered teaser slider
- Partners scroller
- Simple design
- Animated grid
- Sortable portfolio
- FancyBox plugin
- Vimeo and YouTube players
- 5 Home selection versions
- Bootstrap grid
- Parallax sections
- Smooth animation
- Powerful shortcodes
- Built with Bootstrap 3.1
- Ion Icons
- 4 Home variations
- Stunning Parallax
- 15 pre-made color skins
- Mouse-Drag
- Touch Enabled Carousel slider
- Easy installation
- CSS3 animations
- 410+ Icons
- One page template
- Scrolling navigation
- Google Maps
- Working contact forms
- Unique design
- Real unique design
- 7 Page transition versions
- Google Font Support
- 400+ Icons
- Valid HTML5 Code
- 23 Templates
- Masonry
- Instagram feed
- Flex slider
- 11 different color schemes
- 2 Home page sliders
- Blog and work detail page
- Block animation
- Bold and beautiful typography
- Styled Google Map
- One Page Parallax design
- Touch Swipe support
- Dynamic Ajax portfolio
- Pricing table design
- Clients list
- Modern HTML5 with CSS3 animations
- 3 Isotope portfolio templates with dynamic filter
- Video playlist
- Easy customizable
- Full page YouTube video
- Clean, high-class design
- 8 different sliders
- 1-4 Column for portfolio
- Different pagination place for single pages
- Third level drop-down menus
By choosing any of these above templates, you can easily create a website for your business. You can use these templates for any purpose that you want.
All these premium templates are professionally designed. These will give you the best results for your website. These are very helpful in speeding up the development process of creating a website so, that you don't spend hours in making a good website.
If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment section. If you liked the article, don't forget to share it with your friends.
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